Image of Shawn Bigbie

{ Shawn Bigbie }

Front End Developer | UI / UX Designer

Don't count the days, Make the days count


Jul 2018 - Jul 2022
(4 years)

Utah Valley University

(BS - Web Design and Development)

Provo, UT

Feb 2016
(3 years)

Jordan Applied Technology Center

South Jordan, UT

Jan 2016
(3 years)

Bingham High School

South Jordan, UT


Oct 2022


Nexton Web Services

Sandy, Utah

Jan 2019 - Nov 2020
(1 year 11 months)

Production Manager

Audea Inc

Murray, Utah

Jan 2016 - Jan 2019
(3 year)

Frontend Web Developer


South Jordan, Utah


I am always learning quickly and adding new information to my skill set everyday. Below are the three main areas that my key strengths lie in, as well as technical skills.



When working I always want to provide the best techniques and make sure that the customer or client is geting the best that they can. I always implement and provide Fast, Responsive, and Intuitive designs for performance, search engines, and converting users to customers.


Visual Design

I have grown to appreciate the visual representation of design work. Advanced skills in UX & UI design that have tought me how some of the most simple design principles can make or break a user's exeriance and interface.


Work Ethic

I'm always puting my full 110% into any projects, by staying focused, motivated, finishing tasks on time, and more.



Agile Methodology

I apply the double diamond technique to all my sprints. I believe that research and testing are key in delivering a successful project for the client and users.